Malin Johanna Christina Gustavsson
Born May 31, 1978, Hammerland, Åland Islands
Master of Arts (Women’s Studies), 2006, University of Helsinki
Bachelor of Politics (Political Science), 2008, Åbo Akademi
Managing Director, Founder and Owner 2008-, Ekvalita Ltd
Course organiser, 2007-14, Åbo Akademi and University of Helsinki
Equalities Officer, 2010-11, Folkhälsan
Schools project leader, equal opportunities, 2009-10, Folkhälsan
Project Leader, 2007-09, Folkhälsan
Consultant, equality and diversity (self-employed), 2006-2008
Areas of expertise and awards
Developing methods to promote gender equality and diversity
Gender equality as a part of practical daily work
Organisational leadership, development of strategies and work flows
Svenska Kulturfonden (Swedish cultural fund) award for work with children and young people
Photo: Johan Karrento
Written by Malin Gustavsson and Kaija Hartikainen (ed.)
Translated by John Calton
Information may be free, but an education is priceless
In today’s society, information is produced in many ways, often for free and on a continual basis. In her work, Malin Gustavsson utilises existing information, produced both by others and herself, that is always available free of charge and available in various forms.
“In spite of the fact that there is so much information available, even for free, it is clear that people need training. For example, there is a need for lectures that inspire and generate ideas, solutions that are tailored for specific situations, and workshops that put ideas into practice.”
In her work, Malin Gustavsson supports various organisations, groups, as well as people in key positions, in initiating and implementing change. She sees her own expertise as a bridge between academic knowledge and the everyday knowledge of her clients.
Her passion to bring and apply theory to practice has led Gustavsson to develop various methods and practical activities in which participants analyse or explain everyday situations theoretically or in which theory can be applied to resolve daily encounters. She enjoys using narrative techniques in her work, which makes difficult, even chaotic, issues more structured and easier to approach.
During her career, Gustavsson has also noticed that when practice challenges the theory that is being used, it is important to apply, develop and augment the theory together with the participants. This means creating new information and developing the understanding of all participants.
One of Malin’s guiding principles is ‘learning by doing’. It is connected to the idea of creating knowledge and increasing understanding together with a team or the board of directors of a company. This makes it possible to genuinely promote organisational change. It also makes it easier to adapt information to meet the needs of the group in a learning situation.
Marketing one’s expertise and know-how on a full-time basis to different kinds of clients is both exciting and challenging. It requires a lot of listening before you can respond to clients’ needs. It also requires practising what you preach. You must face others openly, take their needs into account, and be constantly critically aware of your privileges. In short, you have create space for new things to grow.
Photo: Petra Nystén.
Written by Malin Gustavsson and Kaija Hartikainen (ed.). Translated by Olli Silvennoinen. Revised by John Calton.
Malin Gustavsson
Malin Johanna Christina Gustavsson
Born May 31, 1978, Hammerland, Åland Islands
Master of Arts (Women’s Studies), 2006, University of Helsinki
Bachelor of Politics (Political Science), 2008, Åbo Akademi
Managing Director, Founder and Owner 2008-, Ekvalita Ltd
Course organiser, 2007-14, Åbo Akademi and University of Helsinki
Equalities Officer, 2010-11, Folkhälsan
Schools project leader, equal opportunities, 2009-10, Folkhälsan
Project Leader, 2007-09, Folkhälsan
Consultant, equality and diversity (self-employed), 2006-2008
Areas of expertise and awards
Developing methods to promote gender equality and diversity
Gender equality as a part of practical daily work
Organisational leadership, development of strategies and work flows
Svenska Kulturfonden (Swedish cultural fund) award for work with children and young people
Photo: Johan Karrento
Written by Malin Gustavsson and Kaija Hartikainen (ed.)
Translated by John Calton