Antti Summala
Humanist of the day

Antti Summala

Antti Summala is a philologist who designs games. His writing skills, honed at the Department of English, first led to his becoming a video game journalist and then a video game designer. His time at the University also sparked his interest in associations and societies and the Japanese language.

Antti Summala

Antti Santeri Summala
Born July 21, 1977, Helsinki

Bachelor of Arts (English philology) 2009, University of Helsinki

Game designer 2011–, Supercell
Game designer 2008–10, Futuremark Games Studio
Video game journalist 2007–08,

Internetin valtakieli (‘The dominant language of the Internet’) in Nevalainen, Terttu, Matti Rissanen ja Irma Taavitsainen (ed.). Englannin aika: Elävän kielen kartoitusta (‘The Age of English: mapping a living language’). WSOY, 2004, pp 88-101.

Sivullisen päiväkirja (‘The Diary of an Outsider’) in Mäkinen, Kirsti. Kirjoita itsesi maailman väleihin: Esseitä, esseistä (‘Write yourself into the world: essays about essays’). SKS, 1997, pp 245–249

Photo: Supercell
Written by Antti Summala (Tiia Niemelä, ed.)
Translated by Matthew Billington

Working as a videogame designer is highly varied, depending on the game project and its particular phase: from almost boundless brainstorming one usually winds up working to balance an elaborate structure. On the one hand, building worlds is vivid story-telling, and on the other it is about assembling levels and other content piece by piece. In one single project I have been in charge of planning, writing, testing, customer service and marketing. All these roles are equally important.

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University life, with its many opportunities, helped prepare me for work in the videogame industry. Attending seminars and participating in student organisations both developed many important skills. I want to express my gratitude to University Sports for providing the opportunity for a long-term, all-encompassing hobby at the University.

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