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Antti Summala

Antti Santeri Summala
Born July 21, 1977, Helsinki

Bachelor of Arts (English philology) 2009, University of Helsinki

Game designer 2011–, Supercell
Game designer 2008–10, Futuremark Games Studio
Video game journalist 2007–08, YouGamers.com

Internetin valtakieli (‘The dominant language of the Internet’) in Nevalainen, Terttu, Matti Rissanen ja Irma Taavitsainen (ed.). Englannin aika: Elävän kielen kartoitusta (‘The Age of English: mapping a living language’). WSOY, 2004, pp 88-101.

Sivullisen päiväkirja (‘The Diary of an Outsider’) in Mäkinen, Kirsti. Kirjoita itsesi maailman väleihin: Esseitä, esseistä (‘Write yourself into the world: essays about essays’). SKS, 1997, pp 245–249

Photo: Supercell
Written by Antti Summala (Tiia Niemelä, ed.)
Translated by Matthew Billington

The spark for Japanese

The Faculty of Arts gave me the opportunity to study Japanese, in which I had already long been interested, in the best possible environment. I was able to participate in many of Lecturer Yukako Uemura’s excellent Japanese courses. Her inspiring teaching style led to my decision to become an exchange student in Osaka in 2003. Later, I taught Japanese for beginners part-time at Haukilahti School in Espoo, and thus I have also been able to benefit from my studies in teacher training.

My first brush with Japanese calligraphy as an exchange student in Osaka.


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