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Paula Havaste

Paula Valpuri Havaste (née  Aho)
Born April 15, 1962, Rovaniemi

Master of Arts, 1989 and Licentiate of Philosophy (Finnish Literature), 1991, University of Helsinki
Doctor of Philosophy, 1998, University of Oulu

Programme Director and Events manager 2004-, Heureka Science Park
Assistant, 1990-96, Department of Finnish Literature, University of Helsinki
Publicist, 1997-2004, Finnish National Theatre

Awards and current positions of trust
Kalle Päätalo Award 2004
Laila Hirvisaari Award 2004
Konstiniekka Cultural Award, Nurmijärvi Municipality 2012
Deputy chair, Tieteen tiedotus ry (’Publicising science’)
Board member, Lauri Jäntti Foundation
Board member, Union of Finnish Writers
Member, literature division, Alfred Kordelin Foundation

Photo: Marek Sabogal
Written by Paula Havaste
Translated by John Calton

Experimental publishing

If research findings are in some way interesting, the writer can refashion them as a narrative. Working with a publisher has been very rewarding, especially since the expertise offered by Gummerus in the production, marketing and selling of the novels and the poetry collection has broadened my horizons as a researcher.


Translated by John Calton

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