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Lars-Folke Landgrén

Walter Lars-Folke Landgrén
Born April 18, 1951, Helsinki.

Master of Arts, 1979, Licentiate of Philosophy, 1982, Doctor of Philosophy (Finnish and Nordic History), 1995, Master of Theology, 1996, University of Helsinki
Docent, Finnish and Scandinavian History, University of Helsinki, 1996-

Head of the Department of World Cultures 2010–, University of Helsinki
Vice-dean (with responsibility for societal impact) of the Faculty of Arts 2014–15, University of Helsinki
Head, Renvall Institute (for area and cultural studies) 2004–9, University of Helsinki
University Lecturer (Nordic Studies) 2001–4, Renvall Institute
Head Archivist 1998–2001, Brages Pressarkiv
Acting amanuensis 1995–6, Renvall Institute
Project planner, NOS-H funded research network, ”Nation-building in the North and the Problem of Borders in the Arctic Periphery”, 1993–5
Assistant, Scandinavian History, Renvall Institute, 1992–3, 1996–7

Researcher, Helsingin Graafisen Klub (Helsinki Graphic Club) funded Kirjapainotaito itsenäisessä Suomessa (Book design in independent Finland) project, 1986–92
Researcher and secretary of editorial board, J.V. Snellman’s collected works, 1983–6
Researcher, Academy of Finland-funded project on history of Finnish press, led by Professor Päiviö Tommila, 1980–8

Publications, research projects and other academic activity

Photo: Mika Federley
Written by Lars-Folke Landgrén (Riitta-Ilona Hurmerinta, ed.)
Translated by John Calton

Research topics with attitude

Lars-Folke Landgrén is a committed member of the University community; he has worked long days for the good of the academy and the humanities. He has worked as a university lecturer and assistant, for a dozen or so years as a department head, as both researcher and head of academic research projects, as editor-in-chief of scientific periodicals, contributor to and editor of writing projects as well as serving in academically-oriented associations and societies as both chairperson and board member.

In his research work, Landgrén has not fought shy of the more challenging topics. He has immersed himself in the history of the press and book printing, respectively, including censorship in various forms, military and administrative history as well as genealogy. His list of publications runs to some 250 publications. Last year he wrote on the Nordic press’s relation with Hitler’s Germany of the 1930s and led a project sponsored by the Academy of Finland on the Holocaust in Finland.

Research projects Lars-Folke Landgrén has been involved in

  • Leader of Academy of Finland-funded research project Hiljaisuuden kulttuurit. Vergangenheitsbewältigung ja sen suomalaisen version kehittyminen (’Cultures of silence. Vergangenheitsbewältigung and teh development of its Finnish version’) 2011-4
  • Leader of Society for Swedish Literature in Finland-funded multidisciplinary project Stadens ansikten – urbanitet och svenskhet i Finland 1880–2000  2002–5
  • Leader of Academy of Finland-, Society for Swedish Literature in Finland- and Riksbankens anniversary fund’s bilateral multidisciplinary research project Staden och idéerna – det urbana i 1700-talet och 1700-talet i nutiden 2000–3
  • Researcher for Finnish Ministry of Finance-funded project Valtionhallinnon rationalisoinnin historia (‘A history of rationalisation in state administration’) 1996–8

Other research projects:

  • Biografisk Handbok för Finland series, article writer, 2008–10
  • Editor and author of vol.2 for Schildts’ five-volume Kampen om Östersjö  (‘Battles on the Baltic’), 2005–8
  • Co-author with Hannu Kujanen, Schildts’ four-volume ”Idän vartija – På vakt i öster” (’On guard in the East’), 2002–4
  • Article writer for National Biography of Finland project, 1998–2001
  • Article writer for Tammi publishing ”Suomen Kulttuurihistoria” (Finland’s cultural history’), 2001–2
  • Participant in Professor Esko Salminen’s textbook project, Hyvä journalisti – Toimitustyön uudet mallit ja vaatimukset (‘The good journalist. New models and requirements for journalistic work’), 1998
  • Article writer for Society for Swedish Literature in Finland- and University of Helsinki-funded ”Svensk litteratur i Finland” (’Swedish literature in Finland’) 1996–8
  • Assistant and journalist for the 350-anniversary history of the 'Nylands nation' student organisation, 1992–3
Lars-Folke Landgrén and Mikko Huhtamies at the University of Helsinki alumni day 29.1.2015. Photo: Mika Federley.​
Lars-Folke Landgrén and Mikko Huhtamies at the University of Helsinki alumni day 29.1.2015. Photo: Mika Federley.​


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