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Yrjö Sakari Yrjö-Koskinen

Yrjö Sakari Yrjö-Koskinen (formerly Georg Zacharias Forsman)
Born Vaasa December 10, 1830.  Died Helsinki November 13, 1903.

Professor of General History 1863-76, Inspector for Ostrobothnian student ‘nation’ 1868-82 (Imperial Alexander University).

Master of Arts 1853 (history)
Licentiate of Philosophy 1858 (history)
Doctor of Philosophy 1860 (history) Imperial Alexander University

Elementary school teacher 1853-54 (Turku)
Senior Secondary School teacher 1854-63 (Vaasa).
He was also chair of the Senate House Affairs Committee (1882-85) and chair of the Ecclesiastical Affairs Committee (1885-99)

Ennobled in 1884 with the name Yrjö Sakari Yrjö-Koskinen
Made a Baron in 1877

Photo: Museovirasto, Daniel Nyblin
Written by Tero Juutilainen
Translated by Kaisla Kajava. Revised by John Calton.

Works by Yrjö Sakari Yrjö-Koskinen

  • Kertomus Hämeenkyrön pitäjästä, (’The story of the rural municipality of Hämeenkyrö’) 1852.
  • Nuijasota, sen syyt ja tapaukset (’The Cudgel War, its causes and events’) 1857 and 1859.
  • Tiedot Suomen-suwun muinaisuudesta: yliopistollinen väitöskirja  jonka Suomen Yliopiston Historiallis-kielitieteellisen tiedekunnan suostumuksella tarkastettavaksi esittää Yrjö Sakari Forsman (’On the origins of the Finnish folk: a university doctoral thesis / which with the consent of the Faculty of History and Linguistics of the University of Finland is submitted for examination by Yrjö Sakari Forsman’) 1862.
  • Olavi Maununpoika Pariisissa ja suomalaisten opinkäynti ulkomailla keski-ajalla, (’Olavi Maununpoika in Paris and the education of Finns abroad in the Middle Ages’) 1862.
  • Lähteitä ison vihan historiaan, (’Sources for the history of the Great Wrath’) 1865.
  • Oppikirja Suomen kansan historiasta, (’The history of the Finns. A school primer’) 1869.
  • Kemin ja Iin lohi-vesien vanhempi historia, (’The early history of the salmon waters of Kemi and Ii’) 1879.
  • Tutkimus maanomistus-seikoista Suomenmaassa keskiaikana, (’A study on landownership matters in Finland in the Middle Ages’) 1881.
  • Suomen kansan historia (‘History of the Finnish people’) 1881-1882.
  • Mitä nykyinen asema vaatii? (’How should we deal with the current state of affairs?’) 1891.
  • Kristillisyyskö vai pakanuus vallitsemassa? (’Which is to prevail, Christianity or paganism?’) 1892.


  • Puolan kapinat vv. 1831 ja 1863 (’The Polish uprisings of 1831 and 1863’) 1903.
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