Yrjö Martti Aleksander Kaukiainen
Born April 4, 1940, Längelmäki
Master of Arts 1964, Licentiate 1968, PhD 1970 (Finnish History), University of Helsinki
Docent in Finnish History 1971–76, University of Helsinki
Research associate in Finnish and Scandinavian History 1970–76, University of Helsinki Associate professor of economic history 1976–92, University of Helsinki Professor of economic history 1992–98, University of Helsinki Professor of European History 1998–2003, University of Helsinki
Research themes:
Economic and social history, especially maritime history, population history, the history of Old Finland, the history of the dissemination of knowledge. The primary research focus has been the 18th and 19th centuries.
Photo: Pirkko Leino-Kaukiainen
Written by Tytti Steel (Kaija Hartikainen, ed.)
Translated by Matthew Billington
Bargain box provides research theme
Yrjiö Kaukianen’s interest has focused on maritime history as a part of the global economy. According to Professor Kaukiainen, his most important works have been his most recent articles in English, which deal with the development of global maritime transport, cargo markets and transportation costs from the mid-nineteenth century until the present day. Of a different nature have been local history projects, the most recent of which have been the history of Wyborg Province and the history of the Kymenlaakso region of southeast Finland.
“they were intensive and interesting projects, as there were many writers with whom collaboration succeeded extremely well – although there were a few rare exceptions”
Yrjö Kaukiainen does not hide his satisfaction with his days of retirement, there has only been sufficient time for research since he left his professorial chair. In particular, working as a director and head of department divided his time so much that there was not the necessary time for research work. Sailing into Twilight and History of Finnish Shipping, which are considered his main works, come from his time as professor of economic history. They form the basis of his Finnish language book Ulos maailmaan! Suomalaisen merenkulun historia (‘Out into the world! A history of Finnish shipping’).
Yrjö Kaukiainen has always been interested in boats. At the beginning of the 1980s he built a 33 ft sailing boat and he has also fitted out semi-constructed hulls. photo: Pirkko Leino-Kaukiainen
The introduction of steam to ocean shipping and the decline of shipping by sail is one of the most important shifts in maritime history. This shift is also one of the key questions dealt with in the works of Yrjö Kaukiainen. Professor Kaukiainen’s main works deal with history at a macro level, but in his Finnish texts he also investigates history at a micro level.
The book projects that have adopted a micro-level approach and have also been among the most interesting for the writer are Laiva Toivo, Oulu and Rantarosvojen saaristo.
“It was enjoyable to write both books and it felt more like a hobby,”
Professor Kaukiainen clearly remembers what sparked his interest in the Toivo.
“I had just completed a new sailing boat, and we were ready to head west on a sailing expedition. My wife, Pirkko, found a cassette of sea shanties in the sales and we took it along. On the way from Utö to Gotland we listened to a song criticising conditions aboard the Toivo, and we realised that this was no sailor’s ballad; it was a real protest song.”
Written by Tytti Steel (Kaija Hartikainen ed.) translated by Matthew Billington
Yrjö Kaukiainen
Yrjö Martti Aleksander Kaukiainen
Born April 4, 1940, Längelmäki
Master of Arts 1964, Licentiate 1968, PhD 1970 (Finnish History), University of Helsinki
Docent in Finnish History 1971–76, University of Helsinki
Research associate in Finnish and Scandinavian History 1970–76, University of Helsinki Associate professor of economic history 1976–92, University of Helsinki Professor of economic history 1992–98, University of Helsinki Professor of European History 1998–2003, University of Helsinki
Research themes:
Economic and social history, especially maritime history, population history, the history of Old Finland, the history of the dissemination of knowledge. The primary research focus has been the 18th and 19th centuries.