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Timo Vihavainen

Timo Juhani Vihavainen
Born May 9, 1947, Sulkava.

Master of Arts (General History), 1970, Licentiate of Philosophy, 1983, and Doctor of Philosophy (General History), 1988, University of Helsinki

Professor of Russian Studies, University of Helsinki, 2002–2015
Senior Research Fellow, Academy of Finland, Suomen Akatemian vanhempi tutkija 2000–2002
Director, Finnish Institute in St Petersburg, 1998–2000
Acting assistant, East European history, Helsingin yliopistossa 1980–1998 (intermittent)
Classroom Teacher, Vantaa Municipality, 1975–1980

Publications, Research Projects and other Academic Activity
Research interests
Finland in the Soviet Press, norms and values in the Soviet Union 1920s–50s, public opinion in the Soviet Union, 1920s and 1930s, intelligentsia and petit bourgeoisie in the Soviet Union, Finnish-Soviet relations and neighbourliness, consumerism and consumerist ideology in the Russian Federation and the Soviet Union

Honorary Doctor, Petrozavodsk State University, 2005
Badge of the Order of Friendship 2014, Russian Federation
History Book of the Year 2014 for Vanhan Venäjän paluu (‘The return of old mother Russia’), Historian Ystäväin Liitto (‘Association of the friends of history’)

Written by Timo Vihavainen (Riitta-Ilona Hurmerinta, ed.)
Translated by John Calton

My dream

Even if you are living your dream you still have to dream. For example, there is the hope that everything would go on and that bad and dangerous trends wouldn’t have catastrophic consequences for the world. Since that will not happen, it is to be hoped that the coming generation would be more sensible than the present one and be able to make the necessary adjustments.



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