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Timo Riiho

Timo Tapani Riiho
Born 7 October 1950, Kymi

Master of Philosophy 1975 (Romance philology) and PhD (Romance philology) 1979, University of Helsinki.

Professor of Ibero-Romance Languages 1981-

Publications, research projects and other activities
Research areas: linguistics, Ibero-Romance languages, historical and comparative syntax, prepositions, personal pronouns.

Awards and recognitions
Foreign correspondent of the Royal Spanish Academy
Commander of the Spanish Order of Civil Merit
Grand Officer of the Portuguese Order of Henry the Navigator
Commander of the Brazilian Order of Castelo Branco

Authors: Timo Riiho and Riitta-Ilona Hurmerinta (ed.)
Translated by: Laura Mena and Aija-Leena Bernouilli
Revised by: John Calton

Timo Riiho i l'ensenyament a Finlàndia

Vídeo realitzat per l'Ajuntament de Sant Quirze del Vallès on el catedràtic finlandès Timo Riiho explica les característiques de l'ensenyament més ben valora...


‘Timo Riiho on teaching in Finland’. In this video from January 2012, Professor Timo Riiho tells about his presentations introducing the Finnish education system in Madrid, the Canary Islands, Mallorca, Catalonia and the Basque region (in Spanish and Basque).

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