Lauri Touko Sakari Siltala
Born October 28, 1984, Helsinki
BA 2008, MA 2010, PhD 2013 (Finnish and Nordic History), University of Helsinki
Siltala Publishing 2008– (publishing editorial work, sales of foreign language publishing rights)
Historian since 2010, contracted historian to the Metsä Group (2010-13), HOK-Elanto (2013-2015), Suomen Kuvalehti (2014-2016)
Research Themes
Economics and capitalism, cooperatives, the forestry industry, cartels and competition laws, trade, the press
Photo: Sakari Siltala
Written by Sakari Siltala and Tero Juutilainen (ed.)
Translated by Matthew Billington
New perspectives through internationalism
When it comes to student life, I was lazy and not particularly active, I suppose it was due to being from Helsinki; I already had a group of friends. Maybe it was partly because of that that I didn’t take part in any organisational activities. During and after completion of my doctoral thesis, I participated in the activities of the research group Capitalism, State & Society. The research group consists of several researchers, and the main research topic is interaction between society and capitalism.
When I was writing my doctoral thesis, my instructors fortunately pushed me to attend international conferences, which in turn forced me to think about my work from a perspective where nothing is taken for granted. Kekkonen who? Which Winter War? It was certain that no one knew the Finnish companies I was studying, Nokia at most. That trained me as a scholar.
You should never forget, however, that the task of Finnish universities and historians is to also publish and disseminate their results to the Finnish audience in clear understandable Finnish. If no one ever hears about a researcher’s findings, they won’t matter.
The Paris book fair in 2015.
My work in translation right sales is by definition international The work is based on personal contacts, which stem above all from book fairs, for example in Frankfurt and London. Of course, ultimately it all comes down to books with the potential to succeed on the international market. First you have to have something to show from Finland: critical revues, awards, and sales numbers. Once you have these, you can offer the book to foreign publishers.
Written by Sakari Siltala (Tero Juutilainen, ed.), translated by Kaisla Kajava, revised by Matthew Billington
Sakari Siltala
Lauri Touko Sakari Siltala
Born October 28, 1984, Helsinki
BA 2008, MA 2010, PhD 2013 (Finnish and Nordic History), University of Helsinki
Siltala Publishing 2008– (publishing editorial work, sales of foreign language publishing rights)
Historian since 2010, contracted historian to the Metsä Group (2010-13), HOK-Elanto (2013-2015), Suomen Kuvalehti (2014-2016)
Research Themes
Economics and capitalism, cooperatives, the forestry industry, cartels and competition laws, trade, the press