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Peter Stadius

Born January 16, 1970, Turku

Master of Arts 1997, PhD 2005 (history), University of Helsinki

Acting professor of Nordic studies 2013–15, professor 2015–, University of Helsinki
Research director of the Centre for Nordic Studies (CENS) 2013–, University of Helsinki
Acting university lecturer in Nordic studies 2006–13, University of Helsinki
Project secretary for the Zacharias Topelius Skrifter project 2005–06, Society of Swedish Literature in Finland
Acting research associate in Scandinavian history 2000–01, University of Helsinki

Research themes:
The image of the Nordic countries, national and regional stereotypes, Nordic cooperation, minority cultures, the north and south of Europe, the culture of memory

Publications, research projects and other academic activity

Photo: Linda Tammisto / Helsingin yliopisto
Written by Peter Stadius (Tomas Sjöblom, ed.)
Translated by Matthew Billington

The Nordic Countries in focus

In 2014, Professor Peter Stadius founded the research network Mapping North and South in Europe (NASE), which has already resulted in one conference and three workshops. The network is analyses North and South as long-term narrative concepts for ordering European space.

The network includes historians, literature scholars, and political scientists from seven countries. Since 2015, Professor Stadius has led the Roma and Nordic Societies project, funded by the Academy of Finland. This multidisciplinary study examines the relationships and strategies that exist between the Romani minority culture and the Nordic majority culture.

Professor Stadius is also involved in the international Arctic Modernities research project, administered by the University of Tromsö. His contribution deals with Petsamo as part of the national modernisation project of the young nation of Finland. As a case in point, he takes the Kolosjoki nickel mine and its community as a national modern architecture project.

Professor Stadius has even been active within Finnish and Nordic communities of historians. He was president of Historiska föreningen between 2011 and 2014, and today he chairs the brand new Nordiska historikerkommittén (Nordic Historian Committee), a pan-Nordic umbrella organisation for national historical societies.

In May 2015, Peter Stadius gave his inaugural lecture as Professor of Nordic Studies. Photo: Historiska Föreningen.


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