Nicklas Michael Wancke
Born July 18, 1965, Helsinki
BA (English Philology), University of Helsinki
Host of FBC’s Morning News programme (Ylen aamu-tv), 2006-
Director of FBC’s English language news desk, 2000–2005
Reporter on Radio Finland, 1996–2000
Reporter at FBC, 1996-
Co-founder of a translation company, 1990
Tour guide in Egypt, Syria and Singapore, 1988–1990
Written by Nicklas Wancke (Riitta-Ilona Hurmerinta, ed.)
Translated by Joe McVeigh
Living the dream
I have my dream job. At the Morning News programme, no two days are the same. The best Morning News has a range of subjects: the anchor gets to interview both an ordinary person and a celebrity, the ringmaster as well as the president. There is no single plan to doing an interview; the interviewer must constantly challenge themself and find the best way to get everything out of the interviewee.
The question that people always ask me is ‘what time do you have to wake up?’ I’ll tell you here now too that it’s 3:30 am twice a week. And it’s fine because there is only a day shift and a morning shift, not shifts around the clock.
Nicklas Wancke preparing for the Morning News broadcast. Photo: FBC Morning News.
I have worked as a travel guide, an English teacher for adults, an asphalt layer, a store clerk, a butcher, a translator and a cleaner. And every single one of these jobs have increased my understanding of the world around them.
I still get irritated when I think about one conversation I had in the café at Porthania, when a fellow student said that they could never work in a summer job as a cleaner because there is nothing to gain from it. A little while ago an opinion piece appeared in the Helsingin Sanomat newspaper and it concerned a similar notion, this time about working as a store clerk. Hopefully this tunnel vision doesn’t take over the world. Experiencing different jobs, different areas, different people and different cultures tends to weed out prejudices and dispel egocentric thinking. Humanists should understand this.
Written by Nicklas Wancke. Edited by Riitta-Ilona Hurmerinta. Translated by Joe McVeigh.
Nicklas Wancke
Nicklas Michael Wancke
Born July 18, 1965, Helsinki
BA (English Philology), University of Helsinki
Host of FBC’s Morning News programme (Ylen aamu-tv), 2006-
Director of FBC’s English language news desk, 2000–2005
Reporter on Radio Finland, 1996–2000
Reporter at FBC, 1996-
Co-founder of a translation company, 1990
Tour guide in Egypt, Syria and Singapore, 1988–1990
Written by Nicklas Wancke (Riitta-Ilona Hurmerinta, ed.)
Translated by Joe McVeigh