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Mikko Sarjanen

Mikko Heikki Sarjanen
Born January 16, 1975

Undergraduate 1998– (Finnish literature), University of Helsinki

Singer and musician in the band Atomirotta 2014–
Rapper and musician in the band Notkea Rotta 2001–

Storeman, binder, chatterbox, CC Kalenteripalvelu Oy 2001–15

Atomi-rotta discography:
Atomirotta I (LP/CD) 2014

Notkea Rotta discography:
Pöhinää (‘Speed’) (CD-single) 2001
Panokset piippuun, pöhinät pönttöön (‘Ammo in the pipe, speed in the head’)(LP/CD) 2002
Kaupungin Vauhdissa (‘City speed’)(EP) 2004
Itä Meidän (‘Our East’)(LP/CD) 2005
Kontula - Koh Phangan All Night Long (LP/CD) 2007
Notkea Maa (‘Supple land’)(LP/CD) 2010
Notkea Rotta (‘Supple rat’) (LP/CD) 2012

Eastern Helsinki Prize 2012, as a member of the group Notkea Rotta

Photo: Juuso Westerlund
Written by Mikko Sarjanen (Riitta-Ilona Hurmerinta, ed.)
Translated by Matthew Billington

My best memories at the University of Helsinki

The Classics Examination (2.5 credits), which was part of basic studies for Finnish literature, involved a stack of 36 books, and it really shook me up. It revolutionised my thinking and my conceptions about literature and the world in general. It finally woke me to the reality of the university. Literary culture began to issue into my world, where Mario Puzo’s the Godfather was the only classic to be found among the three or so books standing between the metres of records and Tex Willer comics.

The University of Helsinki made me a reader. This ‘memory’ will live with me until the end. I will never forget the ever-cheerful office secretary at the Department of Finnish Literature, who retired before I graduated, thus winning the bet, although for the death of me I can’t remember her name. Heartfelt greetings!


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