Erkki Anto Markus Leikola
Born March 17, 1960, Helsinki
Master of Arts 1984 (psychology), University of Helsinki
Freelance author and columnist 2010–
Managing director 2006–10, Finnish Association of Marketing Communication Agencies (MTL)
Consultant 2003–, Delicate Services Oy
Managing director 1996–2002, A4 Media Oy
Sub-editor 1986–96, Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE) / A-studio
Suomen Kuvalehti Prize for Journalism 1993, State Award for Public Information 1992
Photo: Jani Laukkanen
Written by Markus Leikola
Translated by Matthew Billington
Fieldwork in the Algerian Sahara
As part of my studies in cultural anthropology, I conducted fieldwork in the Algerian Sahara, thousands of miles from Helsinki, rode trains and buses all day for a week and found a place to stay in a village in an oasis, first on the Arab side and then on the Berber side - to compare and contrast the effects of living on the two sides of the village was actually the purpose of my visit.
One of my youthful romantic notions of the explorers of yore was the state of ‘going native’ –to forget, as it were, one’s background and become just another member of the local community. Impossible of course, but certainly worth the attempt, I thought. I didn’t quite achieve that in the week-long celebration of the birthday of the prophet Muhammed, where the local youth partied with enormous ghetto blasters on their shoulders while I tried my best to conceal my modest cassette recorder so as to be a proper researcher and not interpose my instruments between myself and the research subjects so the situation would remain as natural as possible. Nevertheless, when I got to know people, and finally on New Year’s Eve when my darker-skinned friends and I were thrown out of a hotel for Western tourists for the fifth time before the doorman realised I was a foreigner, and when I thanked him and said that I’d rather spend the night somewhere else with my friends, I got that flash of insight under the desert stars: this is studying, or work, you could really do for a living.
Camels in the Sahara desert. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.
Written by Markus Leikola, translated by Tero Heikkinen, revised by Matthew Billington
Markus Leikola
Erkki Anto Markus Leikola
Born March 17, 1960, Helsinki
Master of Arts 1984 (psychology), University of Helsinki
Freelance author and columnist 2010–
Managing director 2006–10, Finnish Association of Marketing Communication Agencies (MTL)
Consultant 2003–, Delicate Services Oy
Managing director 1996–2002, A4 Media Oy
Sub-editor 1986–96, Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE) / A-studio
Suomen Kuvalehti Prize for Journalism 1993, State Award for Public Information 1992
Photo: Jani Laukkanen
Written by Markus Leikola
Translated by Matthew Billington