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Markku Peltonen

Markku Aimo Olavi Peltonen
Born December 9, 1957 Helsinki

Master of Arts 1984, Licentiate 1988 and PhD 1992 (general History), University of Helsinki

Academy Professor 2014–18
Principle Investigator of the Academy of Finland research project Participatory Politics and State Formation in Early-Modern England: Monarchy, the Public and Democratic Distrust
Professor of general history 2009–, University of Helsinki (leave of absence 2014–18)
Professor of intellectual history 2007–09, University of Helsinki

Publications, research projects and other academic activity

Research themes: early modern intellectual and cultural history, particularly political thought, the history of politeness and manners and the development of natural philosophy in the early modern era.

Photo: Linda Tammisto / Helsingin yliopisto
Written by Markku Peltonen (Suvi Uotinen, ed.)
Translated by Matthew Billington

Trinity College, Cambridge

The University of Cambridge consists of over 30 colleges. The oldest of these were established in the 13th century. The most renowned is undoubtedly Trinity College, which Henry VIII founded in 1546. Its students have included Francis Bacon and Isaac Newton. Trinity has won a total of 32 Nobel prizes. I consider it a great privilege that Trinity invited me to be a Visiting Fellow Commoner for the winter of 2014–15.

Trinity College, University of Cambridge
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