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Markku Peltonen

Markku Aimo Olavi Peltonen
Born December 9, 1957 Helsinki

Master of Arts 1984, Licentiate 1988 and PhD 1992 (general History), University of Helsinki

Academy Professor 2014–18
Principle Investigator of the Academy of Finland research project Participatory Politics and State Formation in Early-Modern England: Monarchy, the Public and Democratic Distrust
Professor of general history 2009–, University of Helsinki (leave of absence 2014–18)
Professor of intellectual history 2007–09, University of Helsinki

Publications, research projects and other academic activity

Research themes: early modern intellectual and cultural history, particularly political thought, the history of politeness and manners and the development of natural philosophy in the early modern era.

Photo: Linda Tammisto / Helsingin yliopisto
Written by Markku Peltonen (Suvi Uotinen, ed.)
Translated by Matthew Billington


Classical republicanism or just plain republicanism refers to political ideals in early-modern Europe inspired by the Classical Greek or Roman republican models. The centres of republican thought in early-modern Europe were the city states of Renaissance Italy, Holland and England.

The period of the English Civil War and the Republic (1640–60) and the following decades with their political crises were not only formative for the key political thinkers of the era, such as Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, they also drew attention to the near forgotten tradition of republican thought.

According to this tradition, the central value of political life is freedom, and above all the kind of freedom where a person is independent of the will of another person. This doesn’t need to be a question of the actual limitation of individual freedom; according to republicans, freedom is not realised if there is even the possibility of another person’s arbitrary will limiting the freedom of another.

Republican thinkers pondered various political alternatives for ensuring the preservation of this kind of freedom. In my doctoral dissertation and subsequent book based on the dissertation, Classical humanism and republicanism in English political thought 1570–1640 (Cambridge University Press, 1995), I presented a new interpretation of the foundations of republican political thought in England.

Cambridge University Press
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