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Katarina Koskiranta

Salli Katarina Koskiranta
Born January 23, 1962

Master of Arts (Finno-Ugrian Ethnology), University of Helsinki

Amanuensis, Ethnology and Folkoristics, University of Helsinki, 2010-

Amanuensis, Ethnology, 2004–2010, Folkloristics, 2004 and Finnish Literature, 1997–2004
Assistant, Department of Ethnology, 1992-1993, Hourly-paid Teacher, 1991–1998 and 2001–2004
Office Secretary, Department of Ethnology, University of Helsinki, 1990–1991
Research Assistant/Researcher, Workers’ culture project, National Board of Antiquities, 1989–1990 and 1994–1995

Photo: Mika Federley
Written by Katarina Koskiranta (Riitta-Ilona Hurmerinta, ed.)
Translated by John Calton

A ROOS, and proud of it

I joined the Helsinki University Assistant Association in December 1992, when I started as an assistant in the Department of Ethnology. In 2005, my amanuensis colleague Mervi Naakka-Korhonen enticed me onto the board of the Helsinki University Researchers’ and Teachers’ Association (HUART), where I stayed until 2014. And that was the first of my interesting turns as a staff representative and a person of trust on various governing bodies, such as the Faculty Council (2004–), the University salary system’s review committee (deputy member, 2006–), the central election committee (2006–), and the University Collegium (2009–13).

In all of these positions, I am able to influence matters pertaining to the University community, and in particular to follow where we’re heading and what lies ahead – be it in the subjects, departments or the entire University. I am proud to be a ROOS – Representative of the Other Staff.



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