Jakke Mikael Holvas
Born September 16, 1968, Turku
Master of Arts 1996, PhD 2009 (theoretical philosophy), University of Helsinki
FBC morning TV presenter 2011–13 Host of the FBC Radio Finland current affairs programme Ajantasa and FBC Radio 1 morning programme Ykkösaamu 2008–
Journalist for the TV programme T-Klubi 2006-07, Tarinatalo
Columnist 2004-06, Helsingin Sanomat
Journalist, features and Sunday-edition, 2004-06, Helsingin Sanomat
Member of Lektio, a cooperative specialised in organising lectures and producing articles and columns, 2005–
Photo: Jakke Holvas
Written by Jakke Holvas and Tero Juutilainen (ed.) Translated by Matthew Billington
Classics and Plans
University got me into the classics. If I read something that isn’t work-related news, it’s almost always the classics. Novelty is a reading criterion I don’t understand, let alone various awards like the Nobel or the Finlandia. There are still plenty of classics I haven’t read. I hunger for them.
The same is true of sociology and philosophy. I make repeated efforts to reduce the size of my bookshelf. I take everything that isn’t a classic to second-hand bookshops. I am looking forward to devouring books such as Kierkegaard’sConcluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments and Hegel’sScience of Logic.
At the beginning of the 2000s, I wrote a column where I made a promise for my next five books. Quite surprisingly, I have actually written three of them. Of the missing two, one is a collection of essays on non-economics. The other is a fictional novel called Helena, a modern-day story about the cause of the Trojan War.
Helen of Troy. Picture: Gaston Bruissère / Wikimedia Commons.
Perhaps I can’t even write fiction, but I figured I would try. I am trying to convey as much passion as I possibly can in the book. It will of course take years to finish, but I’ll keep studying all that time: I will read Shakespeare and Homer, ha-ha, so that even if the novel never happens, I’ll have another excuse to read the classics.
Written by Jakke Holvas (Tero Juutilainen ed.), translated by Kaisla Kajava, revised by Matthew Billington
Jakke Holvas
Jakke Mikael Holvas
Born September 16, 1968, Turku
Master of Arts 1996, PhD 2009 (theoretical philosophy), University of Helsinki
FBC morning TV presenter 2011–13 Host of the FBC Radio Finland current affairs programme Ajantasa and FBC Radio 1 morning programme Ykkösaamu 2008–
Journalist for the TV programme T-Klubi 2006-07, Tarinatalo
Columnist 2004-06, Helsingin Sanomat
Journalist, features and Sunday-edition, 2004-06, Helsingin Sanomat
Member of Lektio, a cooperative specialised in organising lectures and producing articles and columns, 2005–
Photo: Jakke Holvas
Written by Jakke Holvas and Tero Juutilainen (ed.) Translated by Matthew Billington