Jari Tervo
Humanist of the day

Jari Tervo

Jari Tervo writes in newspapers, on the web and between the covers of books. His public writing career began in a bohemian manner with poetry. After decades of journalism, it changed to diving between the realms of fact and fiction in the form of prose and columns. In 1998 Jari Tervo, who occasionally yearns for colleagues, agreed to discuss current affairs on the Finnish Broadcasting Company’s news panel show Uutisvuoto – he remains there to this day.

Jari Tervo

Jari Kalevi Tervo
Born February 2, 1959, Rovaniemi

Bachelor of Arts 1983 (Finnish literature), University of Helsinki
Sanoma School of Journalism 1982–1983

Freelance writer 1995–
In addition to fiction, columns and blogs for Kodin Kuvalehti, Ilta-Sanomat, Uusi Suomi, Seura, Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE)
Permanent guest on the YLE news panel show Uutisvuoto 1998–
Journalist 1984–1995, Ilta-Sanomat

24 books, a selection of which can be viewed here

Photo: Veikko Somerpuro, WSOY
Written by Jari Tervo (Riitta-Ilona Hurmerinta ed.)
Translated by Matthew Billington

I was meant to become the best football player in the world. My knee formed a cartilage problem. I was meant to become the best guitarist in the world. I could not tune the guitar. On this basis I went to study literature and philosophy in Helsinki. Soon it became evident that this combination of subjects would qualify you to be a researcher or a housewife. I went to the Sanoma School of Journalism.

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I have no dreams. I have plans. Dreaming is a sure way to leave your plans unrealised. It would sound insane if a writer said they were dreaming of writing a good book. Why are they dreaming? Why aren’t they writing? Working?

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