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Bo Pettersson

Bo Johan Otto Pettersson
17 February, 1957, Turku, Finland

BA 1979, MA 1983, Lic. Phil. 1986, PhD 1995 (English, Åbo Akademi University); MA (English, UC Berkeley), 1986

Professor in the Literature of the United States (English, University of Helsinki) 1998-
Research Assistant (Academy of Finland) 1986–1991
Assistant (English, Åbo Akademi University) 1989–1995
Acting Associate Professor (English, University of Turku) 1995–1996
Junior Researcher (Academy of Finland) 1996–1997
Associate Professor in the Literature of the United States (English, University of Helsinki) 1997–1998.

Publications, research projects and other scientific activities
Anglo-American literature, other literatures, narrative studies, cognitive literary studies, literary theory and interpretation, the study of imagination, aesthetics (philosophical and empirical), rhetorical figures, interdisciplinarity, interarts, popular culture and combinations of these and other areas.

Photo: Marjut Pettersson
Author: Bo Pettersson
Revised by John Calton

More on Bo Pettersson online

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